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Fred A. Brewer
Candidate for School Board, At-Large (for the unexpired term to end December 31, 2025)

Fred A. Brewer Jr. spent most of his career managing retail stores for Hofheimer’s, Inc and Rackroom Shoes until his retirement in 2016.

He currently resides with his wife, Alicia, in the Gloucester Point district. They have four grown children, all of whom attended public schools, K-12. They currently have five grandchildren, two of whom will soon attend GCPS.

Brewer said their decision to come to Gloucester has proven quite positive and they are happy to be here.

Experience and Qualifications
  • Elected to Hampton City School Board, May of 2000
  • Served three consecutive terms through June of 2012
  • Elected Chairman 2007 - 2012
  • Highlights include the planning and construction of two new PreK-8 schools :
  • George P Phoenix School and Hunter B Andrews School
    Both opened in September, 2010
  • Participated in the search and hiring processes of three Superintendents of Schools as well as in the required Annual Performance Reviews of the Superintendent
  • Actively involved in the review and approval processes of HCS Budgets for Fiscal Years 2001 - 2012
  • Engaged with staff and community stakeholders in the review, revision, deletion and adoption of numerous School Board Policies.
  • Participated in student disciplinary hearings and other closed sessions that pertained to discussions of personnel matters as well as real estate and other contracts pending before the Board
  • Received the Virginia School Boards Association Award of Distinction for “commitment to effective school board governance through participation in the VSBA School Board Academy”
  • Represented HCS several years on the National School Boards Association’s Federal Relations Network

  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia