
W. Chad Green, Republican
Candidate for Member House of Delegates - 69th District


Chad lives in York County with his wife, Ashley, and his two kids. Chad is a lifelong resident of the Peninsula. 

Hampton Roads Academy University of Alabama, BS Psychology, BA Political Science Cumberland School of Law, Juris Doctor

Relevant Experience

Chad has served on the York County Board of Supervisors since being elected in 2015. He is a small business owner, and operates his own law firm in Newport News.

Since being on the Board of Supervisors, Chad served as Chairman of the Board for two years, and Vice Chairman for one. On the Board, Chad has held the line on taxes, ensured our police officers have the resources they need to protect our community, and helped bring economic growth and jobs to the Peninsula. 

Colonial Criminal Justice Board
York County Chamber of Commerce
Williamsburg Tourism Council
Grafton Kiwanis Club
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Zion United Methodist Church